Church Growth

Today is a new day. It is an opportunity to share the blessings that God has given to us. I was recently reading another article on how to grow the Church, how to reach certain generations of people. The article was interesting and even had some good ideas that I might try to incorporate, but even with perfect implementation the results would be “hit and miss” at best. And then, as I read through the Book of Acts I constantly come across the idea that the “church is growing daily”. What are they doing that we are not? Does Psalm 78 have the answer? Verse 4 says “We will not hide [God’s teaching] from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and His might, and the wonders that He has done.” Is evangelism really that simple? Will you help me test this ideal? Today instead of simply doing a good deed and going home feeling good about yourself let’s try doing a good deed AND telling others about God’s glorious deeds, mighty acts, and wonders. Perhaps others do not know God because we are not telling them about Him and how He is working in our lives. Be sure to “post” your results so we can all celebrate God’s growth! Blessings