We believe strongly that as Jesus charged His disciples to be His witnesses in “Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth,”(Acts 1:8) that we, too, must not only be His hands and feet internationally, but locally. B2BU sends mission teams to provide relief in the wake of natural disasters and to prepare in the anticipation of such events across the region. Through partnership with organizations such as the Baptist Men, United Methodist Volunteers In Missions, local Disaster Relief Centers, and local churches, we are able to make an impact for God’s Kingdom right here. We also provide assistance on a need-be basis to the local and elderly community.

Rev. Doug Johnson, pastor and founder of B2BU Ministries, also schedules both speaking and preaching engagements to businesses, civic organizations, schools, churches, revivals, tent meetings, and spiritual renewal meetings all over North Carolina as he responds to our calling to “stir up one another to love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24).