We encourage those of you who have a desire to visit our site to contact Steve at steveintanzania@gmail.com to discuss it.  We can arrange housing or hotels and transportation once in Tanzania including safari trips you may want to make as well.  In 2019 we have three groups planning to visit our site and if you want to discuss joining one of their groups please contact us so we can connect everyone to see if that is a possibility.

Teams that visit get to see the wonder and beauty of Tanzania and Mount Kilimanjaro as well as visit with the Maasai tribe in our area.  They get to work with the teachers and students doing all kinds of programs.  We would love people to visit who have special skills like painting decorations on our school walls, teaching our teachers, and videography.

We know not everyone can make a trip all the way to Tanzania either due to health or costs.  If you can’t make it to us physically, consider visiting the students virtually.  We ask folks to make a short video reading a children’s book or about some specific topic or your youth group/choir singing.  We show these during the “Reading with Barnabas” program.  here is a recent video of my brother reading a book to our kids.