Coming Home

I love to go and serve and I thank God for the privilege of doing Mission work, but there is no feeling like coming home. The other day when the plane arrived at the airport and I deboarded and headed towards the baggage claim area I was hoping beyond hope that my bride would be there awaiting me. And she was! She was there to welcome me home. I can’t describe the feeling I had when I first saw her. I picked up the pace and ran straight to her waiting arms. The best part of the trip. At the time, I had no idea of what it took for her to get there. I didn’t know how the traffic was, of what she had to remember to do before leaving home, or where she had parked. All I knew was that she was there to welcome me home. And I was elated! While I had no clue as to the details of Cindy’s trip to get me, I knew I was at home when I saw her. I feel the same way when I read the book of The Revelation. Although I try to read, study, and understand the words in the Book there is much beyond my grasp. I don’t “get” all of the details, but what I do get is the anticipation of that feeling of when I get Home. My Lord will be there awaiting me with open arms. I can only imagine the feeling that I will have. What a day that will be! Isn’t it great knowing that irregardless of the details He will be there awaiting us? There were some travelers that had no one there waiting for them. No one to welcome them home. Nothing to look forward to. What a lonely and despairing thought! Maybe we need to spend a little less time worrying about the details of what will happen in the End and a little more time making sure that everyone has Him awaiting their arrival. Let’s celebrate That Day today by inviting others to the same peace that we know through the sacrificial blood of our Lord and savior, Christ Jesus. I’m game – are you? Blessings