Grass Cutting

“Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.” Proverbs 14:4

Last year we purchased a new lawn mower. It is a nice zero turn mower. It cuts fast and the yard looks good afterwards. I was recently challenged with the task of changing the engine and hydraulic oils in the mower. The toughest part ended up being the locating of the correct filters and oils, but, after several trips and much hand-wringing, we did it. I told my wife that I hoped to avoid all that “trouble” in the future. And then it hit me! I ran inside and told Cindy that I had the answer. We would never have to battle the oil changes again, and, in fact, we could keep our new lawn mower looking great if we just stopped using it. For a few days I was content with myself and my ability to solve life’s little problems. Eventually Cindy told me that the grass was getting too high and needed cutting. Of course I was in a dilemma; what should I do? Cutting the grass would mean more maintenance work on the mower, but the yard would look better and my wife would be happier. I didn’t have to ponder long, because we all know that if the wife is not happy then no one will be happy. Peace in the house is worth a lot of mower maintenance! Anything in life worth having is worth exerting some effort for, including our relationship with God. Let’s make this a non-lazy day and give Him our BEST time and effort. Blessings