Life’s Questions

It’s not a matter of who has a question, because the truth is that we all have questions. The issue is where do we go for answers to our questions. The old song says, “looking for love in all the wrong places….” That is sort of the place we find ourselves except that we are looking for life in all the wrong places; or at least the answers to life’s questions. Allow me to save you some time, heartache, and disappointment. Stop looking in and at the world for answers. Simply look to God. Isaiah says to those looking for answers to “inquire of their God”. (Is. 8:19) The answers may not come within your time frame, learn to live in His. The answers may not be the ones you desire, learn to accept and grow in His. The answers may push you to your limits and seemingly beyond, learn to rely and trust in Him. I promise if you will look towards Him and trust in His answers life will be so much more peaceful. Blessings