No Millstones for Me

Well, I did it. I pulled out in front of someone. As much as I hate it when people pull out in front of me, I still did it! I could feel their wrath all the way in my truck. I could sense their madness and the anxiety that I caused them. They probably said and did some things that were not very Christ-like. I apologized but I don’t think they heard me. If you were that one, I apologize again. I apologize for two reasons. The first for being inconsiderate and pulling out in front of you; and the second for causing you or tempting you to think ill of me – for causing or encouraging you to sin. Now I have to deal with Luke 17:1 and the ramifications for those that cause others to sin. I just wasn’t thinking. I need to think more before I speak and act. Maybe we all do. My goal for this day is to think about how my words and actions will be perceived by others before I let them out. Imagine what kind of day it would be if we all did that. Will you join me? Blessings