Standardized Testing

I have mentioned from time to time about how our students do with the testing, math competitions and spelling bees, but all of that is really internal. I mean our teachers write and grade their tests. I create the competitions. Plans to test our kids against other schools always failed to materialize. So this year is a big year for our school. Our Standard 4 class will face their first government standardized test. Our students will be evaluated versus all the other schools in our district and region.

Standardized testing has some differences in Tanzania like you would expect. Typically we trade teachers with another school to proctor the exam so there is no help from teachers. The tests are delivered by military armed guards and one armed guard will stay on site with the tests.

Because this is our first time out and our current Standard 4 class is small with only eight students, I wanted to ask all of my readers to pray for our students, the school, the teachers. Below is a short prayer to express some specific thing during this event. After that are pictures of our current Standard 4 students so you can attach a face with the prayer request. Thank you in advance.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank you for the opportunity to be part of your will in providing a safe Christian education for the children around Kiruani, Tanzania.  We thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed upon the children, teachers, staff, community, and ourselves through this school.  As we prepare for our first standardized test for grade 4, we lift these requests to you:

  • That all our students are prepared, well rested, and well fed with hearts of joy as they sit for the test.
  • That Gladness, Kimani, and Grace strive for excellence as they have done during our school testing.
  • That Theresia focusses all her brilliance on each question, but also calm her not to overthink the questions.
  • That Obedi remember he has shown his intelligence and made the top 3 of his class when he tries.
  • That Elbariki, Elia and Elvice see clearly what each question asks and remember how they have been able to do each problem in the past.
  • That the teacher we receive from another school is welcomed and loved during their time at our school.
  • That the teacher we send to another school is safe and cared for during their time away.
  • That all our students are respectful and loving to our visitors and not scared by the armed military guard.

We lift this prayer to you a mighty and merciful God through his Son our Savior, Jesus Christ’s name.
