
It had a been a “scorcher”, a very hot day. Night had finally come and with it a bit of relief from the heat. I looked out the sliding glass door and watched the “heat lightening” fill the sky in several directions. As I watched the trees began to blow, the temperature began to drop, and the rain began to fall. The storm got stronger and stronger. I knew the glass door was not the best place to stand but I was “stuck”. I couldn’t will myself to move. I was overwhelmed by the sheer power of the storm. I was “awe struck” at the incredible display of nature. And I thought of God who created and controls it all. Eventually the storm passed and there was a cleansing stillness all around, like the peace a new born has immediately after birth. Storms remind me of God’s awesomeness. He creates them and He controls them. Now that is power! Psalm 89:8-9 talks about how “mighty” God is and how He rules “the raging sea”. God not only can make the waves rise, but He also “still[s] them”. Is there a storm raging all around you today? If not, perhaps one is brewing. Either case be reminded that God is the One that controls the storms and He desires for us to allow Him to “still” the storms in our lives. Blessings