Taking Stock

Do you remember Fred Sanford? He was the star of the Sanford and Son television show. I remember him telling his son, Lamont, with a grand sweep of his arm, about all the junk he had collected and that one day it would be passed to him. He was proud of his accomplishments – of everything that he had accumulated. I dare say that most of us have a bit of Fred Sanford in us. We like to look back over our day, our week, our year, even our life and ponder all that we have accomplished – all that we have accumulated. With a puffing out of our chest and a nice pat on our backs we look at what we have done! The only problem with this kind of “bragful” thinking is that we forget God. We think that it is all us, instead of the truth that it is all God. Maybe we have “collected” a great deal of stuff, maybe we have a great many accomplishments but each and everyone one of them originated “through God”. Psalm 44:4-8 reminds us that victory comes through God – salvation comes through God, not us and our efforts alone. As you take stock of your life today, don’t forget God! Blessings