The Vision

I remember my first visit in the Kiruani, Tanzania area. I had gone there to preach a Crusade in the village and to teach a Seminar to church leaders in a local church. It was a wonderful time and God was certainly moving amongst us. Lives were being changed; I was being changed. I remember the vision that the local Pastor shared with me about a school and orphanage for the children in the area. Most of the children were Masai, a beautiful people but generally uneducated and poor. I saw the need. I heard the cry. I prayed for the people and the Pastor’s vision, but what could I do? So, I packed my bags and headed home. I told of the great things that God had done and of a wonderful trip to a wonderful place that challenged every ounce of my being. But the vision. I traveled and preached at every opportunity. I enjoyed the comforts of home, of life in America. I continued on with the business of God, or at least that part that I felt comfortable with; the part that didn’t challenge me too much. But the vision. It wasn’t long before I realized that I was running from the vision. I was being like Jonah. God had clearly called me to take part in something that was beyond my abilities. He had called me to a work that I really did not want to be a part of. He called me to be a part of the vision. So grudgingly and slowly and quietly, I answered. I began to move. I began to reach out and many of you responded with help. Guidance, prayer, support, and even joined in the vision. The vision became ours. And God, of course! He is so amazing. I posted a picture of building one yesterday and have agreed in principle with a contractor to begin building two very soon. I don’t know how far this will go or even what tomorrow holds, but I do know that life is much fuller when we walk with God than when we walk away from God. It may not always be comfortable or easy, but what a glorious feeling when we see the smile of God in the people’s faces, in their lives. We continue to see that in the faces of the people of Kiruani, so we keep coming back. Perhaps you can take just a moment out of your busy life today and consider what God is calling you to do. Maybe it is as close as being a friend to that strange looking person on the bus or being nice to that one person that everybody else is avoiding. Whatever the Call, it will cause a bit of discomfort, a bit of courage to move beyond your limits – to stretch yourself. Enjoy your stretch today as you seek and respond to His vision for you. Oh yeah, thanks for continuing to help us with ours. Blessings