True Witness

One of the great stories in Scriptures is the episode in Philip’s life as found in Acts 8. Philip is instructed to go a 1-2 day’s journey from where he is and upon arriving he encounters an Ethiopian eunuch. Philip met the man and began to witness to him about Jesus Christ. The thing is, Philip never tried to “correct” the man or even “change” the man. Philip simply met the eunuch and started with what he knew and led the eunuch to question himself about the “More” in life – about Christ. The eunuch made the decision himself to seek More, because of the witness of love instead of a witness of judgement. Instead of being made to be baptized, he sought it out. Scriptures don’t tell us, but I suspect that the eunuch went on to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Lord may my witness today lead others to seek more of You. Blessings