Whose Truth?

I believe that in some way all of us Christians have a desire to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ; and I praise God for the many ways that He is working in our world. A dear friend and confidant has always advised me to be careful about “judging” other ministries and ministers because I have no way of knowing what God has “told” them to do or how to do it. I say all of that as a disclaimer and lead-in to this. While I know that we Christians have the freedom to work in God’s many ways we must also be wary of “our ways” creeping in. How many times do we “water down” God’s Word or not say something because we don’t want to offend or even worse drive off people. If the agenda is to have huge crowds and raise lots of money instead of sharing the true Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ then all of a sudden the agenda has become mine and not God’s. We are not the first to fall into this trap. Paul wrote to the church in Corinth, “We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God’s Word……”(2 Corinthians 4:2) He is referring to the practice of making God’s Word say what we want it to say for our times or our conditions. Paul calls that disgraceful and underhanded. The Truth is if we will be filled with God’s love, mercy, and grace then the people will come and His blessings will flow. We don’t need to adopt the Word to better “fit” our wants. Join me today in living and sharing His truth. Blessings