Lenten Challenge

I do not know if you celebrate the Season of Lent or not. Lent is the season before Easter. It is forty days, not counting Sundays, and began yesterday on Ash Wednesday. Without getting too historical or theological, Lent is a time to refocus our lives on God. Traditionally we “give up” something for Lent, with the intent to realize that it is only God that satisfies our every need. If we look around us we are bombarded with options that are designed to make our lives better, or at least they claim to. We are offered the perfect house, the perfect car, the perfect mate, the perfect vacation, the perfect drug, coffee, smoke, food, diet, church, etc., etc. The problem is, as we all have experienced, none of these things can make us whole – none of them can completely satisfy us, our desires, or our needs. In Psalm 23, David suggests an option for us. He suggests we try God. God desires to take care of us, His sheep, in good times and bad. As God challenges me this Season of Lent, I would like to challenge you. Which one of the “things” above are you putting all of your hope in? Put those thoughts on hold for this Season and strive to refocus everything on God. Allow Him to bring fulfillment into your life. I promise He will make a difference. Blessings