New Creations

The Christian life is a life of change, not God changing but us changing. He is already perfect. It is us that are on our way to perfection. The Apostle…

Rules for Life

Ever get confused about what you are supposed to do? One church says do this, another do that. Which one is it? We have made following Jesus Christ very difficult…

Whose Truth?

I believe that in some way all of us Christians have a desire to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ; and I praise God for the many ways that…

Choosing God’s Way

I love the story of King Josiah.(2 Chronicles 34ff) He was one of the few people that didn't mind going against the crowd. He didn't mind standing out from the…


Life is not nearly as complicated as we make it out to be. We were created to worship God. Whatever hand that life has dealt us, our task is to…


Much to my wife's chagrin, I'm not much of a "sleeper". While she sleeps like a log, I toss and turn and think. I have solved numerous world problems while…


Don't let "religion", traditions, rules, others, etc. get in the way of you worshiping and celebrating God in a new and exciting way today. Rules and religion do not and…

God’s Laughter

There is an old adage, "It is better to laugh than to cry." If that saying is true then God must be in hysterics, laughing at His creation - at…


Do you ever get the feeling that you have to "do something" for God? Maybe we feel that way when we have had a "bad" day or week or season.…